Saturday, 25 January 2014

Reflections on termly performance and growth and development in Science

I: Termly Performance
1. What is your target? (A1, A2, B3 etc.)
Ans: A1.
2. What is my plan to achieve my target?
Since my main weakness in Science is answering techniques, I will look through the different types of questions and memorise the format for each. I will also look through the concepts and clear any misconceptions.
3. For class tests/end of year exam, what are the areas that you need to improve and what concrete steps that you would take to improve.
Same as above.
II: Growth Development
1. Which parts of the lesson did you not understand?

During the lesson on Bose-Einstein condensate, I heard about bosons and fermions. I have a few questions. Why does having a whole number make it indistinguishable? What do you define as distinguishable? Why do the atoms need to be indistinguishable to become Bose-Einstein condensate? What defines something as being in the state of Bose-Einstein condensate? Our Science teacher told us that Bose-Einstein condensate had something to do with indistinguishable waves, but my father said this is A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CONCEPT!

As for now that is about all the questions I have.

2. Where do you look for more information to help you understand the lessons better?
Ans: I usually ask my parents/teacher about the topic/question or search the internet for the answer.
For example, one of the questions in a test was "How do you heat alcohol (flammable) with a Bunsen burner so that it will not catch fire?" As I had never seen such a question before, I thought of the thistle funnel that our Science teacher had introduced to us during our lab session and also that combustion required oxygen. I thought that I could place a chemical that absorbed oxygen inside the enlarged part of the thistle funnel and then pour the alcohol inside to be heated as it would have no oxygen to combust. After asking my parents, they told me the conventional method of indirectly heating the alcohol using a water bath and Bunsen burner. They also felt that my method was incorrect as they had never heard of a thistle funnel before. After searching the internet, I found out why the alcohol caught fire even though it was not in direct contact with the flame (through the test tube)(I originally thought contact with the flame was the factor causing the alcohol to catch fire); alcohol has a flash point that will cause it to catch fire, and even and slow heating will prevent the alcohol from catching fire. I also searched for materials that can absorb oxygen. Finally, I asked my teacher, and he said that though my method is correct, the water bath is the easier and more conventional method to heat alcohol.
3. What are the different ways that you have used to solve problems on your own?
Ans: I will read up books or on the internet, as well as consult my parents/teachers/seniors/fellow classmates or anyone else who is a reliable source of information.

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